Below you can read about some of our customers and the value you get with Antura.
Akademikerne's A-kasse uses Antura Projects to support the implementation of the organization's project strategy 2020-2025
Ascom Chooses Antura as its new PPM System Provider
CJ Automotive optimizes their project and portfolio management with Antura
The Danish Ministry of Defense's Material and Procurement Agency enters into a new group-wide framework agreement with Antura
Duni Group enhances their project and portfolio management with Antura
With the help of Antura Projects, Elvaco has made a major process of change, with focus on portfolio management and project transparency
Fagerhult uses Antura Projects PPM Tool creating the lighting of the future
FläktGroup chooses Antura Projects to improve control of the project portfolio
Granitor Systems gets the right support and control over their projects with Antura Projects
Gothenburg University selects Antura Projects to support change management process focused on portfolio management
Hansa Biopharma is stepping up their portfolio and project management, choses Antura!
The Hyde Group selects the Antura Projects PPM Tool
Ikano Bostad has an efficient and standardized way of working with Antura
Karlskrona Municipality has implemented Antura as their new project management tool
Kristianstads municipality chooses Antura as their project and portfolio management tool
Munters Signs Agreement with Antura
Mycronic streamlines and improves project management with Antura
Nynas is Taking their Project Management to the Next Level with Antura
Outokumpu chooses Antura PPM Tool to support its growth as a global leading company
Sandvik Coromant uses Antura to Coordinate Project Operations
Scandi Standard is Enhancing their Project Operations with Antura
Successful implementation of Antura at Seco Tools
SWARCO green lights Antura`s PPM tool
Swedavia Takes Control of their Project Portfolio with help of Antura
Antura wins major procurement for the Telge Group
The Swedish Club optimises project management and resource allocation with Antura
Wallenstam chooses Antura as their new PPM Tool
Antura welcomes housing association Victoriahem as a new customer!